Saturday, 10 September 2011

Top 5 songs

Hi my friends! I'm back again. As I promised, I'm going to share with you my favourite black metal songs.

What Once Was (Translated to english)
What Once Was

Between the bushes we stared
At those who reminded us of another age
And told that hope was away
We heard elvensong and
Water that trickled
What once was is now
All the blood...
                                                      All the longing and pain that
                                                      Are away...
                                                      We are not dead...
                                                      We have never lived 

Everything here is so cold
everything here is so dark
I remember it as from a dream
in the corner of this time
Diabolic shapes float by
out from the dark
I remember it was here i died
by following the freezing moon
It's night again, night you beautiful
I please my hunger on living humans
night of hunger, follow it's call
follow the freezing moon
Darkness is growing, the eternity opens
the cemetary lights up again
as in ancient times
fallen souls, die behind my steps
by following the freezing moon
#3: Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger, from the album Transilvanian Hunger 
Transilvanian hunger...cold..soul
your hands are haunt 
The mountains are cold...soul...soul...
careful..pale...forever at night
Take me...can't you feel the call
embrace me eternally in your daylight slumber
To be draped by the shadow of your morbid palace
ohh, hate living...the only heat is warm blood
So pure... so cold
transilvanian hunger
Hail to the true, intense vampires 
                                               a story made for divine fulfillment
                                                      To be the ones breathing a wind of sorrow
                                                      sorrow and fright the dearest catharsis
                                                      Beautiful evil self to be the morbid count
                                                      a part of a pact that is delightfully immortal
                                                      Feel the call freeze you with the uppermost desire
                                                      transilvanian mountain is cold 
                                                      So pure... evil, cold
                                                      transilvanian hunger
Satan My Master
I slit my wrists to drain me of my blood
Satan My Master
Up side down I turn the cross of God

Satan My Master
Recieve this sacrifice this blood of mine
Satan My Master
I cut into my rotten flesh your signs

Satan My Master
                                                      Remember me when judgement day is near
                                                      Satan My Master
                                                      Take my hand when Armageddon is here

Far above the ravengate
the spreaded wings of blashyrkh waits
Above the roaring depths
Sits the oath of frost
On the elder raventhrone
Older mountains sleeping in my sight
By chilling woods I stand
A grimly sound of naked winds
Is all that shall ever be heard from here
Cometh the rightful kings of highest halls
Cry of tavens lurk the realm
                                                      Eternally through the noctambulant grimness
                                                      ..Demons stride at the gates of blashyrkh...
                                                      ..Blashyrkh... Mighty ravendark...
Well, those are some of my favourite ones, but you should listen to all this awesome bands!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog you have here bro! :3 Keep the good work!
